
  • Shuyang Zhen will officially receive her PhD at the end of this semester, but she has already completed her dissertation and defended it successfully. On top of that, she has published one paper from her PhD work, with a second one in press, and a third paper currently under review. Shuyang said goodbye to the rest…

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  • The horticultural physiology lab is part of a team of UGA faculty that was awarded a presidential seed grant. This is a new UGA program that funds trans-disciplinary projects aimed at solving the grand challenges facing our society. The horticultural physiology lab will participate in a project titled ‘Cost-effective indoor food production through the integration…

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  • The Horticultural Physiology Lab has received a $60,000 grant from the Georgia Research Alliance to continue our collaboration with Dr. Mark Haidekker’s photonics lab in UGA’s College of Engineering, and PhytoSynthetix. This long-standing collaboration is focused on the development of energy-efficient, cost-effective methods for supplemental lighting in controlled environment agriculture. We focus on integrating plant physiology and…

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  • Marc van Iersel was awarded an ‘Imagine’ grant from Campbell Scientific. Campbell Scientific is a manufacturer of research-grade data acquisition and control system. The horticultural physiology lab uses these systems in many of our research projects. The grant will provide in-kind support to purchase Campbell Scientific equipment for use in several courses. including graduate courses…

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  • Undergrads shine!

    Mary Lewis and Jesse Lafian, two of our undergrads, recently presented their work.  Mary studied the effects of LED lighting on plant morphology and growth of Lettuce.  Jesse has been developing a new type of soil moisture sensor that can help farmers and landscapers track the irrigation needs of their plants.

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  • PhD student Shuyang Zhen’s research on the effects of far-red light on photosynthetic efficiency is highlighted on the website of the International Society for Horticultural Science. Shuyang presented some of her research on this topic at the 2016 ISHS lighting symposium in East Lansing, MI. Her work has shown that plants can use light from LEDs…

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  • Jesse Lafian, a senior undergraduate in the horticulture department, won the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ Fabricate entrepreneurship competition. Jesse has been working a novel type of soil moisture sensor that can help farmers and landscapers track the irrigation needs of their plants. The ultimate goal is to integrate the soil moisture sensor…

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