David Gianino and Shuyang Zhen, graduate students in the horticultural physiology lab, participated in the student competition organized by the Controlled Environment working group. The competition was held as part of the 2016 Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science in Atlanta, GA. David and Shuyang placed first and second in the competition. We are very proud of their excellent research and presentations!

David Gianino, an MS student, presented his work on ‘adaptive’ greenhouse lighting systems using LED lights. The adaptive lighting system automatically adjusts to changes in sun light. The more sun light is present, the less supplemental light will be provided by the LED lights. This novel approach to supplemental lighting has the potential to annually save greenhouse growers ten of thousands of dollars per acre. David won first place for his work!

Shuyang Zhen, a PhD student, presented her work on the importance of far-red light for efficient photosynthesis. Her work shows that most commercially available LED grow lights do not provide enough far-red for efficient photosynthesis. Her work questions some of our basic understanding of the light reactions of photosynthesis. At the same time, her results have direct practical applications and can be used to design better grow lights. Shuyang placed 2nd in the Controlled Environment student competition.